
Evil people or evil things has been seen as the peak of human ‘ugliness’. Evil means bad, evil means people who do bad things. People often connect evil with darkness, blood, shadowy, figures etc. but what is actually meant by evil?

From my perspective, evil can mean lots of things. It could be the something associated with something who does something morally wrong, or something that is not understandable to human nature. It could be something that is determined by someone’s, personality or the moral beliefs. What ever it is, most people seem to connect it with bad things or ‘wrong’ things. But is evil really bad?

For a start, realising that evil could mean different things to different people is important. People who grow up in different environments conditions will see in different ways. For example To someone who has lived with hunger or starvation, someone wasting food could be seen as evil to them. Or in the matter of religion, Catholics or Christians may see people who defile or bad word God as evil. It is their believe, but do these view points of different people really represent the word evil?  Definitely not.

Evil in my belief is not represented by a single act or a thought, different people can see differents things as evil and have different viewpoints. What is evil in some people’s eyes might not be in others.

Sure we all know murdering people is bad, or course it is, we are taking life forms others, invading theirs rights to live. But we only think these because we as humans have come to develope a moral sense and given thought to these things. Don’t forget some person at some stage came up with moral ideas. It wasn’t just there, this moral sense was developed and changed over time.

We know now that ensalving people is bad and it’s a evil thing to do, but apback in the times it was what every one did. The strong lives and the weak die that’s how it worked, were the people back then who enslaved others really evil? Or were they just following the accepted morality/beliefs at that time.

I believe that it is really hard to put a certain definition on evil as it changes between people, between time and between different moralities. What is believed to be evil know was not back in the olden times. The samthing could occur in the future.

Learning? Thinking?

As a high school student I am constantly reminded to study, to do homework, to learn this to do that. And I for my self do like learning knew things. From learning about Earth, space, to learning new techniques used for writing English essays and narratives. Learning is something that we do everyday almost subconsciously, when you see something you don’t understand, you automaticly try and retrace the thing you see and find out how it works. Take cooking for example, when you see someone cook something, you automaticly take notice of what they used for the recipe and in this way you learn how the recipe was done. But, though we are learning new things constantly, we are simply doing things other people have found out how to do. Thinking, this word is often associated with learning but can hardly be called the same thing. When you think, you are trying to discover your own ways of doing things, be that trying new recipes or discovering new ways to do something. And so the big question is arrived at. What do we do at school? Sure we learn and think about our learning. But is it true thinking, are we actually thinking. Or are we simply following the foot steps of other and doing what they have done?